Monday, April 9, 2007

Floorball 101

Wednesday's are George's night out with the boys playing floorball. He started a few weeks ago and really enjoys playing. The easiest way to describe it is to say it's similar to ice hockey but played with shorter sticks with plastic blades, smaller nets and a plastic whiffle type ball. The sport is about 7 years old and has really taken hold in the Scandinavian countries and gaining popularity elsewhere (mostly Europe). Canada has a team...ranked 22nd in the World. You can check it out here Floorball.

George's team is made up of Sweds, Fins, Aussies and George, the lone Canadian. They go by the name of "The Moose Hunter's". Why you ask...... because minus the Aussies they all come from countries that have...... moose. They played a solid game last Wednesday winning 8-2 . With some fancy footwork and stick handling George managed a hat trick, he was in the groove!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's the closest think to ice hockey I could find! Loads of fun. Derek... aka George.